Precious Pearls


As salamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

We welcome you to our series on ten sahabas who were given the glad tidings of Paradise whilst they were still alive.

Why do we need to know about them? Is it important to know about them?

Yes, It is important for us to know about the Companions of the Prophet (Pbuh) and all the great people because through that we find role models worthy of being followed instead of the mindless mimicry of fictitious and corrupt personalities presented to us by those who are astray.

Strong Muslims are capable of making the right choices with respect to which role model they should emulate and remain steadfast on that. On the other hand, weak and ignorant Muslims are prone to get misled. Thus, it is even more important now to talk to our youth and even we adults should reflect on the greatness of the Muslim heroes from our Islamic past who built the most glorious and powerful civilizations of Islam which dramatically improved their lives. These were civilzations that had great Muslim morals and great material progress simultaneously. They didn’t have to compromise one for the other.

We humans are always trying to find happiness in all that we do. But strangely, in this many people find nothing but disaster and failure. But why does this happen? This happens when one searches for happiness outside of the folds of Islamic guidance and it happens to people who think that material resources and treasures are the answers to their miseries. The real happiness is achieved when we contemplate on what Allah wants of us and lead a disciplined life.

The companions of Allah’s messenger (pbuh) were perfectly aware of this fact. Thus, they sought to please Allah, and in doing so, they achieved not only happiness but also material prosperity. Paradise is the final abode of all pious and sincere believers.There were many Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) who were given the glad tidings of Paradise as an acknowledgement of their virtues and high status. What was it about these Companions, that made them deserving of that high status?

The Companions always strived to please Allah. Jihad does not simply mean an armed struggle. It can be any activity that is carried out within the scope of our daily routine. The Companions were soldiers by day, and spent their nights in worship. They were people of prayer, fasting, charity, kindness and truthfulness. They were chaste, sincere and pious. They were people who knew self control of the mind, body and temper. They did not go about feeding their lusts; instead they went about feeding the hungry. All of these things are Jihad. When the call for Jihad ( here, the meaning is armed struggle) was proclaimed, the Companions readily sacrificed everything: their wealth and even their lives, and they left their families behind. The fear of death was not an issue, for they knew no better reason or way to die than in fighting to uphold the rights of Muslims or Islamic values. And this is the true meaning of the testimony: La ilaha illAllah ( None has the right to be worshipped but Allah).

In return for their loyalty to the cause, Allah bestowed on them true happiness and Paradise.




1 Response to Precious Pearls

  1. aysha ishrath says:

    Allahu Akbar….


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